Sunday, August 15, 2010

In The Beginning

Hello and welcome to Cult Of The Iron Hand.  I will start by saying that the purpose of this blog is to comment on the wheeling and dealings of my family and report on some of the hilarity revolving around The Iron Hand.

To the uninitiated, TIH is a guild ( here defined as: An association of persons of the same trade or pursuits, formed to protect the mutual interests and maintain standards) that exists in a MMORPG (Massively Mulitplayer online role-playing game) called World Of Warcraft or WOW for short.

So yes, we're gamers.  The bane of ISP"s and people of every creed and color.  I say that as I too have often times rolled my eyes when talking to a gamer or listening to them complain about their internet connection (I work in telco field, story for another time).  So I know first hand what a PITA they/we can be.  That notwithstanding, I have found the people that I interact with in-game are very real and full of interesting goo.

As with most games there is lore or legend that serves as the backdrop to the game and sets the stage for all the high drama.  Now I am not as informed in my guild lore as I probably should be but sometimes that's better because it will give me license to embellish.  The legend begins with two cousins.  We will call them Hendri and Palerider.  They both being of sound mind decided to create the greatest WOW guild of all time.  Consuming [Mead Basted Caribou] by the light of their campfire it was decided...  "We will kill one more [Dire Wolf], take our pleasure with one more harlot, and then form the mightiest collection of warriors the world has ever known!!" or something like that.  From there it gets murky and I am not sure any further embellishment is necessary.  I hear that the guild was on the verge of disbanding when my family became involved.  I guess it doesn't much matter at this point.  I will leave the door open for Hendri and the Palerider to tell their own story at a time they see fit.

As of this writing all of my children, my wife, and me are members of TIH.  We play everyday and for me, the time I spend online represents a great way to decompress from the time I spend in RL.  So welcome, I will do my best to keep you entertained though I would ask for your patience in the beginning until my writing gets back up to spec.  Feel free to comment, flame, or just ramble.  I'm open to just about anything.

For The Alliance (God that's gay)

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