So I went on my first ICC run Saturday and I had a couple of thoughts:
King slayers are straight up assholes almost without exception. I have only known of one personally that only partially fell into this category. The group that Nefertiti put together was tough enough to pull out of the air but there were a couple of Shami's that were just really put off that my gear score was only 4800 and not socketed. As a result, they left and we were forced to find a couple more players that weren’t going to piss themselves because everyone in the group didn’t have a 6K gear score. It took a minute but we got it done.
I realize there is an army of 12 year olds out there that have nothing else to do with their time. I realize there are 30 years out there in the same boat. They spend their days trolling the forums and reading the lore; researching the best way to gear their toons so they can ridicule player that aren’t as knowledgeable. Yes, these are the kind of people you would almost certainly punch in the throat if they popped off in real life. Yes, the only pussy they get it is pretend or paid for (I don’t necessarily have an issue with the concept at least its real). My problem is the attitude. You are playing a game in a pretend world. If my gear score is that much of a deal killer than you probably need to re-think your priorities and hit yourself in the head with something blunt in the hopes that you’ll somehow align your neurons in such a way to keep you from being a douche.
The other thing I learned is that ICC is hard. The whole time I spent trying to get my gear score high enough to go, I dreamed of great gear drops and loads of fun. It’s not fun, it’s stressful and I didn’t get shit for gear. I was told that I got experience (and frost emblems) but I been around long enough to know a bullshit comment when I hear one. I admit, I had no idea what was going on. Four of us were sitting at the table during the run. Nef would yell at me any time I did or was about to do something stupid. I told her you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet; apparently she knows bullshit when she hears it too. I think in some ways they didn’t feel like I had earned the right to be there. I have heard “no one helped me” more times that I can count. I tell them it’s because they’re dipshits and they don’t know how to use their resources. I guess there is a point buried under the puss that has to do with finding out how things work in game. There are billions of articles out there that explain the fights and what to do. There is plenty of data out there. I’m just not sure how much I care. I like to play after work or late at night sometimes. Just to unwind. I know there are deep places to go and things to know. I just have a balanced life. I have lots to do on both sides of the cyber fence.
Thanks to my guildies for their patience and help. Fuck all the King slayers, stop being such cock biters.
ICC will eventually become second nature to you, but then again in a few weeks it won't matter. Just watch a video on a fight, some people even compress an entire Raid into several minutes of footage, like cliffnotes I guess.
ReplyDeleteWell we're doing another ICC10 this weekend, and it will be extremely easy now. Read up on the fights so you can be prepared and Neff won't screech at you.