Saturday, October 16, 2010

WOW Patch/Jersey Shore

I gotta say right out of the gate the new WOW patch sucks much ass.  I hate it so much I'm thinking about finding something else to play.  There is no way I'd do a dungeon or a raid right now.  It's like driving a car with half a steering wheel.

The Jersey Shore is what is really on my mind.  I don't get it.  Maybe I have to be 21 and orange to see the value but I'm not so I don't.  It's not like TV is even trying anymore.  This show is not clever, amusing, or interesting.  The deeper issue is that it has a following at all.  The fact that whoever is producing the show still has a job is indicative of what's wrong with our culture.

I let Jersey Shore have a couple hours of my life last night.  Time that I will never get back and that would have been better spent chopping off one of my toes.  I tried to understand it.  I really did.  I figured there had to be something there.  Some reason why this show was on TV.  I kept asking myself what these orange skinned people did from day to day.  In the three episodes I saw, the common theme was yell, fight, party, and hook up.  Yes, first rate theater indeed.  I finally had to rely on Google to explain it too me.  It's the Real World set on the Jersey Shore.  OK, I get it now.  It made me feel even dumber for having spent any time watching in the first place. 

I would advise giving this show a wide berth but do what makes sense to you.  FLAME OFF.

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